Friday, January 25, 2013

Day5 : Purpose, Audience, & Tone


We will be able to.........
  1. review and identify the common modes of writing 
  2. (compare contrast, persuasive, etc and look at/classify samples of each) 
  3. recognize agreement and disagreement based on hedging vocabulary, tone, and transition words in an English for academic purposes.
  4. propose revisions based on an analysis of the current effectiveness and development of purpose.

   Today we are going to discuss purpose, audience, and tone and how these concepts apply to academic writing. First we will talk about purpose and how different assignments have different goals. You can often figure out the purpose of an essay by its title, and we will practice this.

  The academic audience is a hypothetical set of readers that your paper is directed to. There are certain characteristics of the academic audience that you will have to consider when you write. Your papers in this class should be written for a general audience, which means you have to make sure you explain everything and use terms that they will be able to understand. We will look at two examples of papers to show you how you should and shouldn’t write for a general audience.

  Lastly, we will review academic tone (PPT : Academic Tone). The “tone” of an academic paper involves the kind of language we use in our writing. Every situation requires a different tone. You speak differently from how you write, and even in writing there are different rules for what is appropriate and acceptable. You don’t write the same in a paper as you do on Facebook. We will talk about what to avoid and how to make our writing more objective. 

DUE Jan, 27, Sunday 11:59PM 
(Name this "diagnostic_purpose_revision_YOURNAME.doc" and 
 Put it into your "Diagnostic_Analysis" Folder)

Write a paragraph (200-300 words) describing what you feel is the purpose of the diagnostic activity. 

Did you write your first draft with this purpose in mind? 

If so, give examples

If not, how you could improve what you wrote in your first draft so that it more effectively achieves this purpose.

1 comment:

  1. Whwere does the Purpose diagram, in this blog post, come from originally
